Financial services recruitment firm:
banking & insurance

The financial sector is currently undergoing a major transformation, driven in large part by the rapid adoption of digital technologies. Several trends are emerging from this ever-changing landscape.

Our financial services recruitment firm offers expertise and tailored solutions. To meet these challenges, FITCH BENNETT Partners helps its customers to identify and develop their talents, strengthen their organization with new profiles and provide interim managers specialized in financial services to accelerate their transformation.

Les enjeux des métiers verts et notre expertise dans le recrutement RSE

Avec l’essor de l’économie verte, des secteurs stratégiques vont connaître une transformation importante dans leur organisation et dans leurs métiers (source Organisation internationale du travail). 

Prenons pour exemple : l’agriculture, l’industrie forestière, la pêche, l’énergie, l’industrie manufacturière fortement consommatrice de ressources, le recyclage, le bâtiment ou encore les transports.

The stakes for the finance department

We’ve seen it happen. Digitization and the arrival of FinTech are reshaping the traditional financial services landscape. These startups are introducing innovative digital financial services that present a major challenge to conventional financial institutions. To remain competitive, the latter must adapt to these new technologies.

The impact of blockchain and cryptocurrencies is one to watch. These recent technologies promise greater transparency, security and efficiency, and have the potential to revolutionize payment and transaction systems.

The evolution of financial regulation continues to influence the sector. Regulations are tightening, particularly around data protection and cybersecurity.

The adoption of artificial intelligence and automation offers gains in efficiency and cost savings. For example, the use of robo-advisors is increasingly common in asset management.

Finally, the growing importance of sustainable finance reflects a heightened awareness of environmental and social issues. Green finance and responsible investment have become increasingly important.

Practices covered by our professionals specializing 

in “Financial Services”


Financing and investment banking

Wealth management

Private equity

Market infrastructure and data services


Consumer banking

Payment solutions

We are available to meet your needs